Sunday, April 4, 2010

sad things.

i don't know why, but after the ESQ on my school, i like to see touchy things that makes me moves underneath. i don't know why, but then i watched my name is Khan and i NEARLY cry.

and right now i want to watch Hachiko. because i heard that it's a sad story.

too bad it hasn't played on the cinema near my home. is there anyone who have watch it? i bet it's good.

honestly, i don't like the feeling. i don't like crying, because my eyes,and my nose is gonna be redden. and my eyes are usually swollen after that. and people could see this. and besides, i don't like to be an emotional wreck. that doesn't feel like me. and i felt vulnerable, and uncomfortable. i don't like it. so i ended up grabbing my neck, to prevent myself from crying :P


has anyone watch it? no? too bad..


yep, that's the pic

it's hindi, with english translation. and indonesian of course. well, you can't even think about singing-and-dancing-straight-3-hours-bollywood movie. because it's not. but it's nearly 3 hours. and it's worthed.

it's about a moslem named Rishvan Khan, who suffers from autism goes to America to visit his brother. but then, after 9/11 and his son died, he wants to meet the president to say; "mr.president, my name is Khan, and i'm not a terrorist"

well, it's basically about a moslem who struggles in America after 9/11. Since i'm a moslem myself, the movie's kinda touchy. especially when his son, Sean, died. the movie teaches us that we know that there are terrorist. but not every moslem is one. and i'm not,either :D

you know, in the cinema, i ended up grabbing my neck so i wouldn't cry. Even my aunt said that one of her friend cried since the beginning until the end of the movie. How could such things possible? i thought.

Anyway, people who always thought that EVERY i mean EVERY moslem is a terrorist have to see this movie. then think again :P

Saturday, April 3, 2010


maybe because of my mother recently asked me AGAIN bout my future..

honestly, i want my future to related(if it's possible) with my talents. my job, i mean. because i think that maybe working on something that is your talent is more fun . or it could be your part time job. if you're not tired of course.

so, i'm going to start to find out what my talent really IS. well, i want to. i'm kind of regret my decision when i reject my aunt's offers to take me to the DMI test. if i took them, maybe i'm already working at something right now. if im on the MOOD of course.

Have i told you i'm an EXTREMELY MOODY girl? i think that's my problem when im working at someting. cause when im not on the mood, i LEFT it.

but i REALLY hope i'm change-on the future. at least i'm concern,right?

geez? without realizing it, i've really think about my future! not planning it, of course. my GRAND plan would be:

period. nothing else matters right now. short plan isn't it? but it's REALLY REALLY hard plan to stuck at.

just wish me luck in order to achieve this MASSIVE plan of mine.

my cell phone
my phone's the black one. while my friend got the red one. i'm kinda dissapointed by picking the black one because it's too usual.which one do you prefer?

yep. my cell-w660i is now seriously *sigh. IN A VERY VERY BAD BAD CONDITION(copying beyonce's way to talked at one of the scenes on telephone's video clip .crispy, i know,i know)

it's not my fault though. my friend has w660i too and we both have the same condition. such as the headset never work, although we have plugged it to the cell, the color's began to fade, you know, physically, it's bad.

but the memory, etc is still 'healthy' . no probs at all. that's why i haven't change my phone. Although my mother offers me blackberry. maybe later,mom. i still love this phone and, i personally prefer macbook than blackberry. Both of them would be fine of course. but right now, my cell is enough for me :D


iya emang gw dah nyelesein UAN kamis kemaren. jujur, pas malemnya gw ga belajar bener2 serius. ngerjain soal gitu2 aja. gatau ga kerasa deg-degan. nyantai max deh pokoknya. ngerjain soalnya juga gitu. NAH. biasanya kalo dah kaya gini, apalagi pas ngerjain nya ntu ga deg-degan sama SEKALI. nilainya juga males dan ga ada exited-nya sama sekali(naudzubillahimindzalik ya Allah) emang ga terlalu susah sih(ehem) gw takutnya tuh da technical problem gt. mudah mudahan sih ngga,ya. kalo ngga, takut salah ngebuletin gt. biasalah, salah liat(em) gitu kali , ga ngerti bisa kejadian kayak gt. udah tau jawabannya B, malah ngebuletin C. nah, gw tuh suka kyk gt. mudah-mudahan sih

mungkin yang bermasalah di nilai B.Indo gw aja kali ya. bahasa ndiri nilainya jelek..*i must be an alien

mudah mudahan gada masalah AMIN YA ALLAH.

TAPI. gw udah ngerasa santai bgt abis uan teh. padahal, masih ada uas lah ujian praktek lah, tes SMA bla bla bla...
ujian sekolah sih entah kenapa santai..

TES SMA DEG! INI DIA! pengennya mah masuk ke smansa juanda. AMIN YA ALLAH . negri? *sigh. DENGAN BERAT HATI gw pilih smanli. swasta? Ibu gw ma tante gw nyuruh k Recis. padahal mah udah dibilangin, udah selese gelombang keduanya. mereka tetep keukeuh gt deh.. pokoknya gw stres bgt deh because of all this things.