Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2009 review!!!

goodbye '09 !! HELLO 2010
well, it's still kinda weird facing 2010.. i mean, hearing people said twenty-ten. i mean, for almost 365 DAYS i've been hearing two-thousand-and-nine. full of words,eh? now, it's as short as taking a breath. twenty ten. see? gah, forget it okay few days ago, i kinda thinking bout what i did on 2009 let's see..
  • i was on the 8th grade.. fooling around with a light heart.. it feels like yesterday when the teacher punished us with remembering the extra long Al-Alaq!! *don't ask me WHY!!! and gossiping around in front of the class, near the school field .. went to 'kope' after each lesson was over.. man, life's sure sweet on that days.. i know i sounded like an old woman.. but compare to ninth grade!!! IT'S MORE BITTER THAN 8TH GRADE!!
  • EXTRA-FUN SUMMER HOLIDAAAY!!! i went to china, like on winter 2007 but ONLY with my aunt. but, on 2009, my cousins and their family go to Beijing too! and, we were using the embassy's car.. it's like a minibus.. but, without curtains closing it.. and a CRYSTAL CLEAR mirror. people from the outside, whether walking, using bus, or taxi COULD SEE US CLEARLY!! okay.. here's some of my pic there! i ALWAYS look like closing my eyes on the photo T.T
@BK changi airport
@the great wall

@forbidden city... yeah, that's it.. so many pictures but i'm lazy to upload it :P
  • STRESSFUL FRUSTRATING CUBE!! darn you cube! but i beat you this time :d
  • LADY GAGA YEAR. Begin with her album, the Fame

the video clip started with just dance, pokerface, papparazi, love dance, and the latest, BAD ROMANCE. her songs was always on top of charts on 2009
  • SUDDEN DEATH OF JACKO. world ,once again, lost a brilliant man. Jacko, or i should say, 'THE KING OF POP' was dead on his own house. but, after his death, to always remember him, people buy his album and sang their songs. like Madonna said on his tribute, 'long live the king'.. goodbye jacko.. your music will always on our heart
  • MTV VMA!! well, that's the first VMA i saw.. but.. IT'S GREAT!! there's premier of new moon trailer ,performances by Lady Gaga(papparazi)

Greenday, Beyonce, PinkJay-z and Alicia Keys..etc.
but, there's an unpleasant moment.. when Taylor Swift was announced as 'the best female video' and started her 'winning speech' kanye west came out of nowhere, cut her winning moment and grab the mic.. aargh way to RUIN THE MOMENT, kanye. he said ' yo taylor i'll let you finish, but beyonce got the best video of all-time' . and the audience was like aaargh.. eeewwhh.. wooooh...

BUT thankfully, after beyonce got her winning moment, she called out taylor swift and let her finish her speech!! WAY TO GO BEYONCE!!

  • American idol season 8 finale!! ADAM LAMBERT vs. KRIS ALLEN!!! well, i personally vote for ADAM LAMBERT!! because... i think HIS VOICE IS BETTER THAN KRIS'. the final is so amazing!! although i didn't watch it.. my cousin told that to me.. especially(she said) when Adam Lambert sang with KISS and SOMEONE broke the bass.. hah! too bad adam didn't win!!
(see? even kris surprised he won! and adam looked...accepting?? still, too bad he didn't win)

well, i think that's all i could remember bout 2009!! not the most special though.. for this time, just that..well.. GOODBYE 2009!! HEYA 2010!!


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